I've made a game. Here are some scone facts. Try and
choose the correct word. Good Luck!
1. A scone is a bread thicker than a
a. bannock
b. snoogle-fleeger
2. It is made of wheat, barley or
a. cornmeal
b. oatmeal
3. The scone closely resembles a North American
biscuit (many recipes are, in fact, identical) —
itself not to be confused with the Commonwealth
biscuit, which equates to what North Americans call
a. toast
b. cookie
4. In Canada, both a commonwealth biscuit and a scone
are referred to as
a. tea biscuits
b. sea biscuits
5. Another name for a soda scone is a
a. soda farl
b. soda fart
6. A Scottish variety of scone is known as the
griddle scone, pronounced
a. gridlay
b. girdle
Thank you for playing. I hope that you learned a
little about scones. Perhaps you can use this
knowledge during your next worthless facts seminar.
The answers are as follows
1. a
2. b
3. b
4. a
5. a
6. b